Shopify SEO Checklist: The Ultimate Guide

Hey there Shopify store owners! Imagine this: doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling your sales and you haven’t spent a single extra dime on advertising. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s not. It’s all about SEO—Search Engine Optimization!

Let’s cut to the chase. SEO is your invisible sales army. It’s working round-the-clock to put your products right where they belong: in front of eager customers. This checklist is your roadmap, designed especially for you. And the best part? You don’t have to be a tech whiz to follow along. This is SEO made easy!

So, ready to unlock a tidal wave of free traffic from Google and see your sales soar? Keep reading, because this is the ultimate Shopify SEO Checklist you’ve been waiting for!

The Importance of SEO for Shopify

Hold onto your hats! Did you know that a staggering 53% of website traffic comes from organic search? Yep, you read that right. Over half of your potential customers are scrolling through Google, looking for products exactly like yours. If your store isn’t optimized for search, you’re essentially leaving money on the table. A lot of money.

But don’t just take our word for it. Meet Sarah. She runs a Shopify store selling handmade soap. Six months ago, she was in your shoes, skeptical about SEO. Fast forward to today: Her traffic has shot up by 200%, and she’s raking in sales like never before. All thanks to some smart, easy-to-implement SEO tactics.

So, let’s dispel a myth right here. You might be thinking, “Ah, SEO is too complex. I need to hire an expert.” Nope, you don’t. With this ultimate checklist and the Strong SEO app in your toolkit, you’ve got everything you need to conquer Google rankings.

Feel the excitement? You should! Because we’re just getting started. Next up, your Shopify SEO Checklist to crush it in the digital marketplace.

Step 1: Keyword Research

If SEO is a game, then keywords are your winning moves! Keywords are the exact phrases people type into Google when they’re hunting for products like yours. Picking the right ones can literally make or break your SEO strategy. But don’t worry, finding these golden nuggets is simpler than you think.

Actionable Steps:
Google Search: Start with basic searches related to your products. Google will automatically suggest popular search phrases. Take note!

Google Keyword Planner: Dip into this free tool to find keywords that have high search volume but low competition. This is the sweet spot!

Competitor Analysis: Check out the keywords your successful competitors are using. Free tools like Ubersuggest can help you spy on them!

Remember, the goal here is to find high-volume, low-competition keywords. These are the keys to your SEO kingdom.

Step 2: On-Page SEO

Now that you’ve got your killer keywords, it’s time to sprinkle them where they count: right on your Shopify store pages! On-page SEO is all about optimizing individual web pages so they rank higher and earn you more relevant traffic. Don’t worry; you won’t need to code anything. Let’s dig in!

SEO-Friendly URLs

Make your URLs simple and descriptive. Include your target keyword!
Example: Instead of, go for

Page Titles & Meta Descriptions

Your title should be catchy and include your keyword. Your meta description should summarize the page content, compelling users to click.
Example: Title: “Organic Handmade Soap: Cleanse, Refresh, Revitalize!”

Meta Description: “Discover the best organic handmade soap crafted for vibrant skin. Free shipping on orders over $50.”

Look, we get it. This stuff can seem overwhelming, especially if you have a lot of products. But here’s the kicker: with Strong SEO, you can automate this step in a snap! Our app helps you craft compelling titles and meta descriptions without breaking a sweat!

Step 3: Optimize Product Descriptions

Your products are the stars of the show, and it’s time they get the spotlight they deserve! A killer product description can do double-duty: woo Google and win over customers. So how do you create descriptions that are irresistible to both? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Naturally Integrate Keywords: Forget about mindlessly cramming keywords. Seamlessly weave them into your product descriptions.
  2. Turn Features into Benefits: Don’t just list features. Transform them into benefits that speak directly to your customer.
    • For instance: Don’t just say “organic soap.” Go with “organic lavender soap that soothes your skin and calms your mind.”
  3. Drop in Some Social Proof: Got rave reviews? Highlight a few right in your product description.
    • Quick tip: “99% of customers reported softer skin!”
  4. Direct with CTAs: Nudge your customers to take action. Use phrases like “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now for Free Shipping.”
  5. Keep It Snappy: Long enough to cover the essentials, short enough to keep it interesting. Aim for 150-300 words.

Step 4: Image Optimization

We’re living in a visual world, folks! Your product images aren’t just eye-candy; they’re an SEO goldmine waiting to be tapped. Search engines can’t ‘see’ images, but they can read the ALT tags you attach to them. Let’s make every image count. Here’s how to do it:

  1. ALT Tags Are Your Friends: Give each image an ALT tag that describes what’s in the image and sneak in a keyword if you can.
    • For instance: Instead of an ALT tag like “IMG_1234,” use “Organic Lavender Handmade Soap.”
  2. Compress for Success: Large image files slow down your page loading time. Speed things up by compressing images without losing quality.
  3. File Names Matter: Just like ALT tags, descriptive file names help search engines understand your images.
    • Quick tip: Change a generic file name like “photo01.jpg” to something like “organic-lavender-soap.jpg.”

Heads up! Want to know the absolute game-changer here? With the Strong SEO app, you can automate ALT tags for your entire product catalog. Click a button, and you’re done! Strong SEO gets you ahead without the grind.

Step 5: Supercharge Your Listings with JSON-LD for Rich Snippets

Want your Shopify store to not just appear, but truly stand out in Google search results? We’re talking star ratings, product prices, and more—all shining in Google’s spotlight! You can achieve this with rich snippets, and it’s easier than you think. No coding, no fuss! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Understand JSON-LD: Think of JSON-LD as your golden ticket for search engines. It’s a cheat sheet that helps Google understand your products and showcase them with flair!
  2. Use an App for JSON-LD: Don’t get tangled up in code. Make your life easy by using an app to automatically add JSON-LD to your product pages.

Hey, why settle for any app when you can go for the best? Our Strong SEO app not only takes care of titles and meta descriptions but also effortlessly adds JSON-LD to your product pages! One click, and you’re not just in the game—you’re leading it.

Step 6: Mobile Optimization

Hold the phone—literally! Over half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. If your Shopify store isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re not just leaving money on the table—you’re practically giving it away. How can you make sure you’re not committing this cardinal sin? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Check Your Mobile Friendliness: Don’t leave it to chance. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool tells you exactly how you’re doing.
  2. Easy Navigation: Your menu should be as intuitive as a doorknob. Ensure everything is easy to tap with a thumb—no pinching or zooming required.
  3. Speed Up: Nothing kills interest faster than a slow site. Cut the fluff. Compress images. Get your loading time under 3 seconds, or you’re history.
  4. Make Text Readable: Zooming in to read is a no-go. Your text should be crisp and clear on all devices.

Step 7: Site Speed

Time is of the essence, especially when a potential customer lands on your Shopify store. A sluggish site will have your visitors bouncing faster than a ball on a trampoline. Speed is your best friend here, so how do you ramp it up? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Test Your Speed: Knowledge is power. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to find out your current site speed.
  2. Trim the Fat: Unneeded apps? Excessive widgets? Say goodbye. They’re just slowing you down.
  3. Compress Images: Big is not always better. Large images can drastically slow down your site. Compress those images but keep them pretty!
  4. Leverage Browser Caching: This might sound techy, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. There are apps that help you set this up, ensuring faster load times for repeat visitors.

Think of backlinks as handshakes from other websites, saying, “Hey, this Shopify store knows what it’s doing!” Google sees these handshakes and thinks, “Wow, this site must be important!” Want to collect those vital digital handshakes? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: A single link from a high-quality site is worth more than dozens from low-quality ones.
  2. Guest Posts: Reach out to blogs in your niche. Offer to write valuable content for them and sneak in a link back to your store.
  3. Local Listings: Get your store listed on local directories. It’s a simple way to grab some quick backlinks.
  4. Social Media: Don’t underestimate it. Share valuable content and earn natural backlinks as people start talking about you.

Step 9: Monitor Your SEO Efforts

Tracking is the name of the game! You’ve implemented the changes, but how do you know they’re working? Monitoring, that’s how! Never wonder or guess—know for certain you’re on the path to SEO stardom. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Google Analytics: Your dashboard for understanding traffic, its sources, and so much more.
  2. Search Console: Google’s own tool to see how you’re ranking and to spot any issues that need fixing.
  3. Keyword Rankings: Forget third-party tools. Strong SEO has got you covered. Monitor your keyword rankings right from the app. No fuss, no muss.
  4. Sales Metrics: It’s the bottom line, right? Keep track of conversions and average order value.

Why juggle multiple tools when Strong SEO consolidates everything you need? Especially for keyword rankings, just log into Strong SEO and get real-time insights. Simple as that!


Congratulations, you’ve made it to the finish line! But don’t be fooled; this isn’t the end. It’s just the beginning of your Shopify store’s journey to the top of Google’s rankings. You’re now armed with a proven, step-by-step SEO checklist that even the pros would envy.

The big takeaway? SEO isn’t some dark art; it’s a series of calculated, smart moves that ANY Shopify store owner can make. And remember, it’s not just about traffic; it’s about getting the right kind of traffic—visitors ready to click that ‘Buy Now’ button.

Strong SEO: The No-Brainer Choice

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t! Strong SEO is your all-in-one solution, making each step on this checklist a walk in the park. Whether it’s fine-tuning your on-page SEO, optimizing images, adding JSON-LD, or tracking keyword rankings, Strong SEO has got you covered.

Don’t just sit there! Your competition is not waiting. Install Strong SEO today, and let the floodgates of free, high-quality traffic burst open. More traffic, more sales, more growth—it all starts with one click. Install Strong SEO now and watch your Shopify store transform into an SEO powerhouse!

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